Friday, October 26, 2007

Cat - Cat Eye Care-Do You Properly Care For Your Cat?

As a loving cat owner, you want your feline friend to be as healthy as possible, and a big part of that means taking care of her eyes. You should frequently inspect your cat's eyes, and if you notice any changes or problems, seek prompt medical care, before your cat's health is impacted. There are many things that you can do for your cat on a regular basis that can help keep her eyes healthy, but are you willing to invest the time to do them?

One of the easiest things that you can do for your cat is to keep her eyes clean and free of mucous, which could build up and turn into a raging eye infection. Use a damp cloth and gently wipe her eyes at least once a day or whenever you notice mucous. This small step goes a long way in caring for your cat's eyes.

You should also protect your cat's eyes anytime that you need to use chemical treatments on her skin, such as flea dips. Talk to your veterinarian before treatment, and ask him for suggestions on how to protect your cat's eyes from the chemicals. He will likely give you a neutralizing ointment, which you will apply to your cat's eyes before using the chemicals, and will neutralize any chemicals that may inadvertently come into contact with her eyes.

If your cat has long hair, you should keep in trimmed so that it stays out of her eyes. Anything that comes into contact with the eyes can cause irritation, and even lead to infection, so this is an important step in your cat's eye care.

When you look at your cat's eyes, they should be moist and clear, as well as free of mucous. Anything to the contrary could indicate a problem that may need veterinary treatment.

Although your cat won't enjoy it, you should clean her eyes at least once a week, even if you wash then with a cloth and water everyday, they still need to be cleaned. You can ask your veterinarian for tips on doing this, and he may suggest a commercial product that you can use, or you can make your own. To make your own cat eye cleaning solution, mix about 1 capful of baby shampoo with about 20 capfuls of water. Dip a cotton ball or Q-tip into the solution, and use it to clean your cat's eyes, starting with the eyeball and working outward. Once you have finished, use another cotton ball with just water and rinse the eyes in the same manner.

If your cat develops an eye infection, your veterinarian will likely prescribe antibiotic medication, which you apply directly to her eye in the form of eye drops. Again, your cat will not like this treatment, but it is for her own good, and something that you must do if you want her to be healthy. Eye ointments are much easier to use, however if you apply too much at once, you could worsen the problem, so you have to be careful.

Few people realize how important it is to take care of their cat's eyes, and often don't even think about it until a problem develops. By properly performing cat eye care, and seeking veterinary care for any problems promptly, you are ensuring that your cat stays healthy and happy, so that she can be with you for a long time to come!

Jean Morgan is a writer of articles concerning pet health and the owner of Natures Healthy Pet Visit Natures Healthy Pet for more information about Cat Eye Care and other pet health matters.

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Cat - How to Teach YOUR Cat to Use a Litter Box - Secrets to Litter Tray Success

Even the most dedicated cat lover has little patience with a cat that doesn't use its litter box. Yet, patience is the key to creating litter box success. A positive introduction when young, and simple housekeeping on your part will solve most problems.

Most cats instinctively use the litter box. However if you see your kitten crouching or sniffing in a corner lift her and place her in a litter tray - this is a sign of oncoming urination. If your kitten is not using the litter box you should place her in the box every morning.

It is important for your cat to be able to easily access the litter box. If you have a large home, put litter boxes in more than one place. If your house has many levels, make sure each floor is equipped with a litter box. As in real estate, location is crucial to your cat successfully using the litter box. The best spot offers your cat a certain amount of privacy, but not so out of the way that you forget to clean it. Some people put the litter box in a seldom-used closet. Be sure, however, to use a hard-rubber stop to keep the door, or install a pet door so your cat can go in and out whenever she wants.

If you need to move a litter tray you should move it by only a few feet at a time. If the cat stops using it you have probably moved it too far.

If your cat doesn't use her litter box study the situation carefully for the reason(s) why.

Some cats will avoid a "dirty" litter box. Scoop out feces and wet litter daily. Completely empty and replace the litter at least once a week. Don't be too generous with the litter; most cats prefer a shallow layer of about two inches.

If you have more than one cat, you need more than one litter box. Cats are very particular and won't eliminate in a "used" litter box. The general rule of thumb is to have one litter box per cat.

Location, location, location; sudden noises, or lack of privacy can scare a cat from using a litter box. Try moving it to a different spot.

Never punish your cat for having an accident. She won't make the connection unless you catch her in the act. Even then, punishment only creates fear of you, not a desire to change behavior. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to remove the smell of the accident. This will help prevent future soiling in that spot as the smell of urine will make the cat think its OK to go there.

If you notice that accidents happen in the same place over and over, try putting a litter box there. Perhaps your cat prefers this spot for reasons you'll never understand. If accidents tend to happen when your cat has free run of the house or while you are away, keep her confined to one room until you can watch her. Be sure to provide food, water, and that all-important litter box in whatever room you place her in. If your cat uses the litter box successfully for several years, then begins to have accidents, have your veterinarian examine her for a possible urinary tract or kidney infection.

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